The Gunn Family

The Gunn Family

Saturday, January 2, 2010


As many people know I do a village under one of my trees every year. This is something that I have been doing for the past 8 years when my Nana could no longer put her's up. She divided her village 4 ways, my Mom, my Aunt Judee, my sister Tammy, and me. Since then each year I buy at least one new item for my village. I sometimes end up getting more depending on the new items for that year. When I went to put it up this year I realized I have become a little obessed with my village. Brandon told me I am no longer allowed to buy houses for my village (Thats What He Thinks YEAH RIGHT AS IF). I can see his point, but it is a very crazy addiction that I can not help at ALL!!! I even ran into a guy at the store who asked me if I did a village and when I replied yes he said stop now. When I asked why he said he had been doing one for 34 years and had over 300 houses and it took up half of his GREAT ROOM sized family room. Not to mention 3 days to put up!!! I guess that could be me in 26 years lol. Right now I have 40 lighted houses, 2 ice shanties, a skating rink, and one card board house which is what my Nana originally started hers with, not to mention all the people, animals, cars and more. I absolutely hate putting up my village, because of all the problems I seem to incounter while doing it, but in the end the day after it is done I absolutely LOVE IT and would not trade doing it for anything. I am so thankful for my Nana for starting such a great tradition in my life.


Christy said...

At least it only comes out once a year! I think that's a great tradition!

Anonymous said...

Your tree is beautiful and I LOVE your village! You are soooo talented! Hope you guys had a great Christmas.