The Gunn Family

The Gunn Family

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

10 Years of Marriage!!!

Ten years ago today we stood before our families and close friends and said "I DO". It was one of the happiest days of our life's. I feel so lucky to have found and married my best friend and soulmate. It is so unbelieveable to think it has been 10 years. It doesn't seem like it has been that long, until I look at our amazing boys. In the 10 years of marriage we have had our ups and downs, and we have stayed strong through them all. I never thought I could love Brandon more then the day I married him, but after 10 years I can say that our love is so much deeper and more. The little things he does makes me love him that much more. He is such an amazing husband and father to our kids. I look forward to our next 10 years together. All of the songs on our blog are songs that have meaning to us. There are quite a few from our wedding too!!

This is from one of my favorite books and it really fits how I feel about Brandon so I thought I would share it:

"To all the ships at sea and to all the ports of call, and to my family, friends, and strangers.

This is a message and a prayer. The message is that my travels have taught me a great truth: I already have what everyone is searching for, and what few find -- the one person in the world I was born to LOVE forever. A person like me. A person rich in simple treasures. Self made. Self taught.

A harbor where I'm forever home. No wind or trouble or even death can knock down this house.

My prayer is that everyone in the world can know this kind of love and be healed by it."

To Brandon Happy Anniversary Baby !!!

Love Traci

Our Engagement Picture

Our Rings

Our First Dance

Us in 2007

US in 2008

Our Cute Little Family 2009


So our dog Tigger has a thing for the dishwasher. Everytime I go to do dishes he comes over and climbs on up on the dishwasher door. He never really tries to lick the dishes, but he does lick up the water. He is such a silly little puppy. We totally love him though. At least he enjoys helping do chores!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Park City

This weekend we got invited to go to Park City to stay with our good friends at their time share. The boys were so excited, and had talked about it for weeks before. We got there Friday night and had dinner together. After dinner we all got ready to go down to the pool and hot tubs. I think the three boys were the most excited out of us all, they were on the go from the time we got there until the time we left. The hot tubs were much needed, and were absolutely amazing. It was so nice to just kick back and relax. After a late night Friday we all got up and had breakfast together, before going seperate ways for the day. Our friends hit the slopes and we hit the Utah Olympic Park and some shops. The Olympic Park was so much fun. We walked around the muesume and saw so many amazing things from the Utah Olympics. We then walked over to the bobsled track to see it up close. They were doing Skelton trials and we were able to watch them for awhile. It was so amazing to see them going down the track at such high speeds head first. I was able to snap a picture at just the right moment and get a picture of one of them going 76mph, talk about crazy!!! When we got back to the hotel we watched the skiers for awhile. We saw a little much of three imparticular skiers that were skiing in spedo underwear and thats about it. We later found out that one of them had fallen while skiing and needless to say his rearend was pretty messed up. After we decided to take the boys on the new Alpine Coaster. Our friends son was done skiing so he was able to go with us. It was a lot of fun for us all. That night we went out to dinner and of course the boys all were ready to go to the pool when we got back. Us girls stayed at the room and all the boys, husbands included, headed off for the pool. Sunday we all walked Main Street and looked in all the shops. While we were out it started to snow on us, talk about a sudden change of weather. After we went back and started to pack up and bring our relaxing getaway to an end. It was really hard to come home, NOBODY wanted to leave. It is always hard to bring a fun weekend/vacation to an end and return to reality.

The boys all playing their Nitendo DS's

Colby and Riley being cute

Colby and Logan being silly

The Marriott Mountainside where we stayed

Utah Olympic Park

Shannon Miller Gold Medal in the womens Freestyle Downhill

USA Bobsled

Usa Bobsled

Jimmy Shea's helmet from the Olympics. He took home the gold medal in the Skelton.

A close up of the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals

All the Olympic Medals

All the Olympic pins you could collect when they were here!!!

The Ski Jumps

The Family

A skelton racer

A view of the Olympic Park as we are driving down the mountain.

Apline Coaster Colby and Logan are in the red one Brandon and Riley are in the yellow

Sleepy Time

The other night during mine and Brandon's workout Riley came down stairs and was all in his pj's. He first started out on the couch saying he was just watching us. After a bit I noticed he wasn't there anymore. I was about to go upstairs when I noticed him and Tigger (the dog) curled up to the side of the couch in all the blankets sound asleep. It was so cute watching them both out for the count. When we were done and went to put them both in bed the dog looked at us like "Hey I was comfortable here!!" I almost felt bad for moving them to their beds to sleep.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day

For St. Patrick's Day this year the second graders at Logan's school had the option of making a leprechaun trap. Logan really wanted to participate in this, so it was off to the craft store to get supplies. I helped him Monday night build his very own leprechaun trap. We had so much fun doing this together. He was so excited to take it to school in hopes to catch a leprechaun. When we woke up on St. Patrick's Day the kids couldn't believe that the waffles had been turned green. They thought it was so much fun. Both boys had school and came home with all their tales of what the leprechauns had done at their schools. Logan however didn't catch a leprechaun, but it did step on his trap!!! The leprechauns made a complete mess of both boys classrooms at school. Riley came home with his artwork of a rainbow they made at school and was so proud of it. It was a really fun filled day. We ended it all with a homemade shamrock sugar cookie!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Diabetes Expo

This last Sat. we had the Diabetes Expo of Utah. This is an event I look forward to every year. It is so great to go and get info on the new technology that has come out and that is up and coming. I also love to get to see familiar faces of families we have helped through the American Diabetes Association and meet new families that have been recently diagnosed. The expo brings together so many different kinds of people all fighting for a similar cause. This year there was a whole new feel and meaning to the expo with the recent loss of Larry H. Miller. It deeply saddens me and so many others that he lost his fight to Diabetes. He was such a remarkable man with all the amazing things he did in his life. I only wish he would have taken better care of his diabetes. When you have diabetes, type 1 or type 2, it is something you can't take for granted. It doesn't just affect the person who has diabetes, it affects all that are around them.

This year Logan and I participated in a panel called "Living with Diabetes". There were 8 of us that sat on this panel, four mothers and thier children. We talked about what our lifes are like as mothers and what we go through. Our children also spoke about what life is like for them to grow up with Diabetes. It is so amazing to hear the different stories from the 4 different ages. We all had mulitple things in common. There are a few that stand out most to me one: that we are all fighting for a common cause on a daily basis, two: we all try each day to live our lifes as normal as possible and three: none of us chose this for our kids or our families, but we accept it full on and fight to get through it together. I truely believe that one day we will succeed in finding a cure and look forward to that. In the mean time we take one day at a time and live life to it's fullest. I am so proud of all the kids out there that battle diabetes on a daily basis. The are the most bravest people I know and I am amazed at how well they handle the cards they have been dealt.

Dirty Puppy

Since it has been such good weather outside we decided to let Tigger play outside in the backyard with the boys while we worked out. What a mistake!!! The grass and stuff was still a little bit wet last week and so when it was time to come in Tigger was a mess. I guess the bottom line is at least he had a good time. I had to give him a bath the second he came in the house. It was the dirtiest water I have ever seen, I really didn't know if his fur was going to come all the way clean. Thank heavens it all washed out very well.

New Bedroom !!!

After almost 10 years of marriage and almost 29 years of being alive, I got my very first "NEW" Bedroom set. All my life I have had hand-me-down beds since I was the baby of my family. When Brandon and I got married we got his parents old bedroom set. It was great to have a bedroom set given to us since we were just starting out and were so young. The last couple of years I have really started to want a new bedroom set and so has Brandon. So this year it all fell into place and we purchased our first bedroom set. I absolutely love it!!! I give Brandon all the credit for picking it out. I was totally set on a four poster bed, kind of country style bedroom set. When the place didn't have they one I liked anymore I reconsidered the one Brandon liked. I am so glad I went with the one he picked out. It is amazing what a different feel our room has to it now. All that is left is the decorating part, which can wait for awhile. The bedroom set is plenty good for me and I can slowly start to decorate as time goes on. I love my hubby so much for having such great taste in furniture and for buying our new bedroom set.