The Gunn Family

The Gunn Family

Monday, October 18, 2010

Labor Day Weekend 2010

For Labor Day weekend we took the boys camping up to our friend's property up by Starvation. Our friends and their two kids came in the motorhome with us. On our way up we made our annual stop to Swiss Days in Midway and had dinner and walked around. We got a little lost trying to find the property in the dark, but we made it and setup the motorhome. We did a small fire and hung out by it for a few hours. The next morning everyone else slowly started showing up. The guys decided to go out on the boat and get some wake boarding a sky skiing in before everyone else showed up. So we fed the kids lunch and once our friend Angie got their we headed down to the beach to meet up with the guys. The kids were all so excited to go out on the tube. This was a first time experience for our boys!!! They had a lot of fun, but I think Logan got a little scared when it got going to fast. I switched him places and went out with the other kids for a bit and it was a lot of fun. We took the kids back to shore and left them with Brandon. I stayed on the boat and went out with some of the others. It was so much fun, I forgot how much I missed being on a boat. The wind came up like it alkways has seemed to do at Starvation so we packed up and pulled the boat off the water. That night we hung out and celebrated Tyler's 30th birthady!!! It was a lot of fun, we sat around the fire and hung out and had a few drinks and listened to the music. The next day we got up did the whole breakfast thing and packed lunch and headed back down to the lake. However it was so windy that we couldn't put the boat in the water. We decided to hang out and let the kids play in the water and hang on the beach. We had a great spot where the wind couldn't completely sand blast us. Later we went back and cleaned up a had dinner and hung out by the campfire again. Brandon and I had a smore off which was a lot of fun. We came up with all kinds of different concoctions. I of course beat him with my mad smore cooking ideas. It was such a great weekend with minimal injuries. I am so glad we got some camping in this year.
Tyler and LaRee

Angie and Lora

Don, Ty and Brandon

Cheers to Tyler

LaRee, Lora, Traci, and Angie

Conner, Logan, Ry, and Abby

The kids on the tube

Ry, me, and Abby

Tubing with Ry and Abby

My dirty puppy

One of our friend's on the sky ski

Brandon trying to be the karate kid

Brandon and Tyler

Angie, Lora and me

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